High School Sports HS ScoreBoard
HS ScoreBoard provides up-to-the-second sports scores, box scores, game stats, league leaders, game previews, recaps, top stories, schedules and league standings.
High School sports covered include Football, Basketball and many more to come.
Aiming to also provide an engagement platform for High School Football fans – GET LIVE & GET INVOLVED – creating a fun and engaging atmosphere within the APP., including Live fan commentary – fan play by play – “Have your say on every Play”, Game MVP Voting, Upload game day highlights photos & video – “Play of the Day”
Users can receive free Push Alerts including: touchdowns, ends of quarters and key moments in any game to keep you on top of the action; anytime-anywhere. Push Alerts are also fully integrated into the NEW iOS 6, Notification Center, Facebook, Twitter and High School websites.
The "Team View“ keeps up with every dunk and touchdown and enables users to browse team specific news, rankings, recent performances, season schedules, rosters and injuries. Users can also follow any team to receive push alerts for every game or goal, or sync the team schedule to your calendar.
Were introducing the NEW “Live Scores" area to customize the app to your needs. Track multiple games scores at once and follow any team throughout the season to view their performances as they happen in one app; live up to the second.